Blue-Tropic 90™ Chlorinating Tablets

Blue-Tropic 90™ Chlorinating Tablets
Trichlor, also known as trichloroisocyanuric acid or TCCA, is a white crystalline powder or granular substance with a strong chlorine odor. It is a powerful and versatile disinfectant and sanitizer that is commonly used in water treatment applications. Trichlor is highly soluble in water and releases chlorine when dissolved, making it an effective agent for killing bacteria, viruses, and algae in swimming pools, spas, and other water systems. It is known for its long-lasting disinfecting properties and stability in sunlight, making it suitable for outdoor applications. Trichlor is also used as a shock treatment to rapidly sanitize water and oxidize contaminants. However, it should be handled and used with caution, following proper safety guidelines, as it is a strong oxidizing agent and can cause irritation or damage if not used correctly. Its specifications are:
99% Trichloro-S-Triazinetrione
Pool Sanitizer
Calcium Hypochlorite
Bucket: Pack of 12 & Pack of 24
JAL Aqua International
Residential Homes
Commercial Pools
Water Treatment Facilities
White crystalline powder or granules
Highly soluble in water
Strong chlorine odor
Powerful disinfectant and sanitizer
Releases chlorine when dissolved in water
Effective against bacteria, viruses, and algae
Product Usage Guidelines: AquaTick Cal-Hypo-Quick Chlorine GranulesDirections For Use:
This product is designed to effectively manage bacteria and algae in swimming pools. It is formulated to dissolve slowly and should be utilized with compatible chlorinating devices. Important Note: DO NOT add directly to the swimming pool.
- Ensure the filtration system is clean and functioning correctly before product use.
- Adjust the water pH within the range of 7.2-7.6 using appropriate products and a reliable test kit.
- Maintain water alkalinity at a minimum of 125 ppm (mg/L) based on test kit readings.
Shock Treatment:
- Superchlorinate or shock the pool water every seven days or when the combined chlorine level exceeds 0.5 ppm (mg/L).
- Combined chlorine is the discrepancy between free and total chlorine.
- Add sufficient shock product directly to the circulating water surface to elevate the available chlorine level to 5-6 ppm, determined by test kit readings.
- If the combined chlorine reading remains above 0.5 ppm after the water clarity is restored, repeat the shock treatment.
- Refrain from entering the water until free available chlorine reading drops below 3 ppm, combined chlorine falls below 0.5 ppm, and water clarity returns to normal.
Maintenance Treatment:
- Introduce this product into the feeder system.
- Adjust the feeder to sustain free available chlorine levels in the water at 1-3 ppm, as indicated by the test kit.
- Periodically replenish the feeder with enough tablets to maintain a consistent treatment level of 1-3 ppm available chlorine.
- Note that weather conditions and pool usage affect sanitizer levels. Additionally, substances like oils, lotions, fragrances, and cleaners may cause foaming and reduce product efficiency.
- Maintain pH levels within 7.2-7.6 range.
- Thoroughly clean and vacuum the pool.- Empty the feeder of all tablets.
- While water remains clear and clean, add 16 oz of an appropriate shock product for every 10,000 gallons of water, with the filtration system running. This will increase available chlorine by approximately 8 ppm.
- Cover the pool and prepare heater, filter, and other components for winter following manufacturer's instructions.
Spas and Hot Tubs:
- Suitable for controlling bacteria in spas, hot tubs, Hubbard, immersion, and hydrotherapy tanks.
- Highly effective in algae control for outdoor spas and hot tubs.
- Use with a compatible chlorinating device.- DO NOT add directly to the spa water
Reentry Note:
Reentry into treated swimming pools is prohibited above chlorine levels of 3 ppm.
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Trichlor Uses in Water Treatment
Trichlor, or trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA), is widely used in water treatment due to its exceptional disinfection properties. It serves as a powerful and versatile sanitizer, effectively eliminating bacteria, viruses, and algae in water systems such as swimming pools and spas. Trichlor is highly soluble in water, releasing chlorine when dissolved, which acts as a potent disinfectant. Its stability in sunlight makes it suitable for outdoor applications. Trichlor is employed for routine disinfection, as well as shock treatments to rapidly sanitize water and oxidize contaminants. It is valued for its long-lasting disinfecting effects and ability to maintain water quality.